Title: Blob-a-gotchi v5
Gameplay: same as all of them almost
Graphics: 90%
Code: 70%
Animation: 80%
Overall: 50%
Title: Schooled!
Gameplay: a super smash bros themed game but with a twist
Graphics: 1%
Code: 50%
Animation: 1%
Overall: 6%
Title: The scene creator
Gameplay: will be a really cool scene creator
Graphics: 0%
Code: 5%
Animation: 0%
Overall: 1%
Title: Bitten: a new craving
Gameplay: you play as a vampire complete with upgrades and achivements and even a multiplayer battle
Graphics: 10%
Code: 30%
Animation: 5%
Overall: 15%
Title: Working title
Plot: about a guy with a dangerous talent!
Graphics: 13%
Animation: 5%
Overall: 10%
Title: Robotize
Gameplay: A rpg with robot/people what more do you want?
Graphics: 5%
Code: 60%
Animation: 0%
Overall: 20%
when commenting on a game please include what game you mean.
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